Chapters (khandams) read from palm leaves

Khandam 1 - General Khandam
Year,  month, day, and date of birth, your basic astroligical data according to vedic astrology. Furthermore, mainly other important events of your whole life in two to five year intervals – relationships, children, parents, family relations, property, health, accidents, work ( job or business).

Khandam 2 - Education and Weatlh
Financial matters, family, education, communication and worldview.

Khandam 3 - Brothers & Sisters
Number of brother and sisters – benefits and problems associated with them ( siblings relationships ), dangers and difficulties at work.

Khandam 4 - Mother, Wealth and Happiness
Life of the mother, maternal morbidity, the risk of her life, her time of death. Assets from the mother´s side. House, housing, land, means of transport and happiness in life.

Khandam 5 - Children
Children´s birth, gender, number, future children´slives – illness, death, danger, education. Benefits and problems associated with them and the reasons wha you can not have children or delay their arrival into the world. Adoption of children. Scalding ability to have children.

Khandam 6 - Illnes, Debt & Court Cases
Diseases, debts, litigation, enemies, court cases, when the problems arise and disappear for how to solve them, etc.

Khandam 7 - Marriage
Marriage – which will place, the nature of spouse, one or two marriages, the origin of spouse ( direction and distance from which ). Physical propertoes of wife or husband. Danger in the course of life, property division, profits from the spouse etc.

Khandam 8 - Life Longevity
How long will be your life and what dangers and problems arise in its course. Date, place, circumstances and manner of death.

Khandam 9 - Property, Father, Spiritual inclinations
Life of father to inquire about obtaining properties of father, father´s illness, the risk of his life, his time of death. Assets paternal. Spititual life and leadership. Visits to temples and holy places.

Khandam 10 - Occupation (Job & Business]
Profession, employment and business in differemt ages. Suitable job or business. Profits and loss in the business, solving financial problems. Changes of residence.

Khandam 11 - Second marriage
At what age will come luck of second marriage - the benefits and problems associated with it. Happiness and opportunities in life.

Khandam 12 - Expenses, Foreign travel, Reincarnation
Expenditure ( loss ): how and what age it happens. Foreign trips. Reincarnation – next life. Attaiment of Salvation ( Moksha ).

Separate khandams & Special khandams

Shanthi Khandam
Problems identified in all previous chapters. Past life. Karmic burden of past life. Corrective measures to overcome and minimize the karmic burden.

Deeksha Khandam
The way to avoid the problems caused by enemies, remove curse, protection from black magic etc. Instruction how to get the improvement from negative forces. To achieve all this, it is necessary to carry out corrective measures ( pooja, mantra, talisman, fire ceremony).

Aushaudha Khandam
Diagnosis of diseases. The use of natural herbal drugs and teratments. Detailed progress and completion of teratment.

Gnanna Khandam
Development of spirituality. The possibility of achieving the wisdom and God. Who will be your Guru or Master in spiritual teaching, from whom and how you get wisdom.

Dhasa Bhukti Khandam
The arrival to this word and planetary position is done in very detailed predictions of future life from birth. Planetary positions and its effects. Prediction of major sub periods of life.

Political Khandam
Deals about the success of your political carrier and social services.

Prachana Khandam
Starting points from your problems and difficulties in the form of answers to your questions. A total of 5 questions can be asked in this chapter.

Atri Jeva naadi
Very special naadi reading from palm leaf libraries in India. It is similar to reading the chapter of Prachana Khandam in the form of asking 5 questions in even greater detail.

We offer the following range of special naadi from different Maharishies

Agastiyar naadi

Vasishtar naadi

Biruhu naadi

Brahma naadi

Bogar naadi

Siva naadi Vakkiyam

Siva naadi Sukshamam

Kaka Bujandar naadi

Kaushika naadi

If you want to travel to India and visit the palm leaf library, we offer advice, practical tips and verified addresses of palm leaf libraries, where you will get appropriate reading. We provide this service completely independently and free of charge.