8 years ago
*Agasthiyar Maharishi prays to Trinity Gods (Lord Brahma , Lord Vishnu , Lord Shiva ) and starting the Prediction for Czech Republic country . Czech People are very good people in behavior , having nice culture and traditions , very kind Hearted person, advanced Brain and advance thinking in their life. They are Very talent and intelligent , very hard working people.
In past and even now there was many struggles and troubles for Czech people for their Right Freedom. Even now the Czech people are in struggle to get their Freedom Life.
The Last 5 Years is favorable for Czech country and the county was in good development in Economic and in all aspects to promote the Life style of people in developed state. But the Last 1 year and 3 months was not good for Czech People and country. Even now the people having unstable diplomatic situation. Lots of problem and frustrated Life. Economic and Money Value decrease against developed Nation currency. In future 1 year the time is not favorable for Czech people. Migration situation will come for Native Czech people.
The Last 2015 is not a good period for Czech Republic and many other countries in the World.
*2015 - 2+0+1+5 = 8 in total - Number 8 is Planet Saturn Astrological Number. Therefore many disasters and deaths happened throughout the World. After 2 great World wars the world has exercised dis-comfortable and troubles Life in 2015.
*Natural Disasters in many parts of the world.
-In India Cyclone , High Rain and Flood.
-In America - High rain and flood and snow.
- In Nepal - Earth quake and huge death .
For Czech Republic the troubles were in different aspect, the Migration of other country people towards Czech Republic.
- In 2015 very high weather temperature and the end of year very low weather temperature (Snow) .
Now the present time 2016 is not favorable for Czech country and Czech people.
*2016 - 2+0+1+6 = 9 in total - Number 9 is Planet Mars Astrological Number. 2016 there will be threat and dangers for people. There will be Blood shed in country. There will be threat and dangers from Fire (Dangers from Electrical items , weapons , bomb blasting) . New health problem and diseases will come for people. There will be spread and attack of Virus and Bacteria and Flu . Mars is called diseased planet. People will affect by disease often. Parents disease will come for hereditary Children . No big Natural disasters in 2016 but other problems will come into country. 2016 death rate will be more due to Health problem , negative decision of Suicide. There will be very low temperature in Czech . The people will die by accident because of high snow. Birth rate will be less .Marriages will be less in country . Divorce and migration of people will be more . Even the Native Czech people will migrate to other country due to their frustration life. Terrorism attack will be there in the country. Even the terrorist will change the mindset of youngsters and make them to behave against the country.
The attacks from the migrants to Native people , self bombing attack in the country . The people no need to afraid for this threat. Terrorism Attack will not realize inside the cities or inner territory of Czech Republic but mostly on the borders of country. The migrants will use Czech country only for their present survival and for their transportation for going to other counties. The problem and affects from migrants and terrorist will be less. The Migrated people will go to Germany , England , Sweden , Denmark , France , Greece and Italy and other countries for their settlements .
Civil War will come within the Czech country and also with European countries. The people of Czech Republic will fight with their region and with their own people. The Czech country will have fighting with European Union and neighboring countries. The people and country will divide into 2 groups , one will be in supporting Migrants and other on the opposing of Migrants. This situations will last for upcoming 1 Year. After 1 year the present situation will change in Czech country step by step .
Bio -War and Civil war will come within European countries. European Union will give pressure to Czech Republic to accept the refugees. Differences in opinion in European Union for Czech Republic. The European countries will blame on each other countries.
Bio- War means the situation for country in depending on other countries for some goods and products. To get the favor of the other countries, Czech country needs to adjust and do some favor for that country.
The neighboring countries are in Jealousy of Czech Republic development. Even well developed European counties are in jealousy of Czech Republic. There will be Oppositions in European Union against Czech Country and its rule by other countries. The neighboring countries will try to take the land and citizenship of Czech Republic in the borders. Less attacks from neighboring countries but indirect attacks will come in many aspects for Czech Republic.
The people of Czech will loss their jobs.The salary will be reduced less for them . New private sector companies and Abroad companies will be establish in 2016 but the job opportunities will be less for Native people.Financial dis-comfortable will come for people and country.The Czech country will loose its reputation in European Union.European Union will give pressure for Czech Republic.
In this 2016 the Czech people will loose their job and that opportunities will go for other country people. The Governmental security and Health Care befits will also benefited by other country people. Czech people will loss their Jobs , loss Houses , loss property , loss money and loss their social belongings and some loss their citizenships. The good position , friendship relations and mutual understanding with some European countries and European union will be loosen . The European Union will force the country to accept the migrated people. In-security and low income for people will be there in upcoming 2016. In-Equality and in-security situation will come for people. Money and valued ornaments and materials robberies and female sexual harassments will come. The Government and social organization will try to safe guard and provide the security for people but it fails to fulfill the needs of people. It is no use of blaming the Government and the ruling persons. Because the Government is taking all the necessary actions to give secured life for people but it fails.
The Czech Government together with the organizations help should take the proper decision to organize the Migrants in a systematic order in the borders . The Government should safe guard the Native people by providing strong defense security. Open Refugee camps in the borders for migrants with the help of helping organizations in organized systematic order.
The World people will have Negative opinions on European countries and Czech Republic. But no need to think of such comments. The Czech people are very kind hearted person , showing over humanity and mercy towards all people. Czech People can show the Humanity to the Migration people. But showing over Humanity and over helping is bad for long time . It is the necessity giving food , water , a small place for their survival . But you can't give them your Jobs , your house , your property and your Nationality citizenship Right for them (Migrants).
There is a law "When the New comes inside , the old goes outside". If Czech accept the new migrant people means the Native old people will go outside as migrants for their survival. The old tradition, culture and religion of country which followed for a long time will get change. In Humanity you will help the migrants and accept them . But when you ready to accept the people you should also ready to accept the new religion , new culture and tradition . It is not good for Czech Republic to accept the new people permanently. Only temporary help you can do for migrants and then try to send them back to their own country with hope and proper security.
Now the people having fear of life and Frustration of Life in the country . The people lost their Peace , lost their Sleep , lost their property, lost their hope and dreams . Not proper security for them and their belongings. The people loosing their life, equality and right. This dis-comfortable life situation will last upto July 2016 . Then step by step the Situation will change . The Government will take the Right decision in consulting with people and organizations to secure the Native people . After sending the migrants back to their own country ,the Czech Country will remain as freedom country for Czech people.
In near future good and big development will come in Czech Republic.The years 2017 , 2018 , 2019 will be developmental period for Czech Country and Czech people. Special positions will come for Czech Republic in European union and throughout the World.Technological and Economical development will come in Czech .The average individual person salary will increase.
In the Developed Countries list Czech Republic will Rank within 25th position in upcoming 5 Years . The Czech country will become more Powerful in Military armed service (Defense) position within 15th position. Powerful position and development in Education , Political , Medical care and facility, Governmental rule, Sports . Development will come in Tourism , Transports , Industries and in other aspects. Czech Republic will become one of the powerful countries in the Europe in next 5 years.
In the last part of 2016 , there will be change in Political and Government. And there will be also changes in Political and Government positions in last part of 2017 , 2018 and 2019. In this period the problems and troubles by migrant people will be less for Native people. The people will have freedom life to follow their own religion , culture and tradition. The Life style of people will change to more developed state. In all the areas the country will go into developed position. The period between 2017 to 2019 will be good and favorable for Czech country and Czech people.
Now (2016) the people should give the proper suggestions to the ruling Government to take the Right decision in favor to Czech people. Accepting the migrants people permanently is not good. If you accept the migrant people you should also accept their Religion and culture. The upcoming future the other Religion people will try to rule the country and conquer the Religion and region of Czech Republic. New kind of Culture and tradition you will be forced to follow. There will be problem for Czech people for their jobs and survival.
According to Maharishis advice you should help the migrants by giving the basic necessity and send them back to their countries. The Government should safe guard the people and provide the proper security for them in making strict Police and tight Defense security in borders and inside the country. The Spiritual organizations and other social organizations should take the responsibility to organize the refugee camps and helping centers for migrants in the borders and send them to their destined places safely. By this you can reduce the problems and troubles in the country . The problem is not only for now but it is also troubles for the future generation i.e. for your children and grandchildren.
In future in Czech Republic 2 division of people will form and it lead to division of Czech states and Czech country. There will be mosque and conquer of new Religion in Czech Republic. These kind of troubles will last for upcoming 1 year. After that step by step this situation will come to an End.
The Czech people and country should focus on Educational development, Medicinal Aid and care development and Agricultural developed to promote the Nation in high development. In future in this areas the Czech will have the dependence with other Countries.
In 2017 to 2019 new opportunities will come for Czech people in terms of new Jobs with good salary. New companies and abroad companies will be opened in Czech. Machinery and automobile companies will be opened. The interest of Learning new abroad languages and Czech Language literature will be developed. Tourism development will happen in Czech Republic. Many country people wish to visit and stay for short time as tourism in Czech Republic. Many new Tourism sports will develop Czech. The individual income source will develop. The jobless situation will change. At present those who not having the standard job will get jobs in this period. Young talents will develop and have opportunities , Younger generation too will be in higher position in Government and State sector.
In 2017 to 2019 , the other countries of the world will come in depending and get help from Czech country. In Trading (Import and Export) and Agriculture Czech will depend on other countries. In same Trading (Import and Export) and Technology support the other neighboring countries depend on Czech Republic. The neighboring countries will depend on Czech in having Business of buying the Chemicals, Machineries , Electrical and Electronics. The strong Economical level will be there in Czech.
Germany, Poland , Slovakia , China, Russia , Netherlands , Austria , Hungary will get help and support from Czech Republic. Healthy and Friendship relationship will be there with the neighboring countries around Czech Countries. Some business and work co-operation will be there with Germany , Poland and Slovakia. In official Governmental aspects too good relationship will be there with Germany , Slovakia and Poland. France , UK and Austria will have good relationship with Czech. The Czech Republic will emerge as a high development within 15th position in comparing with other European countries.
In 2017 and 2018 due to Political changes new Laws will be introduced . New type of Government pension scheme will be introduced. The people will accept this new Laws introduced by the Government . There will be some opposition too for this new laws.
In Sports field new changes and success will come for Country. The Sports person will get winning in Athletics, Individual games , team games. Tennis , Base ball , Rugby and in adventurous sports success will come for Czech.
Agricultural development will come by the help of people support. New modern equipments will be used in agricultural work and the production will be increased.
Tourism development will happen in upcoming 5 years. Many neighboring countries and throughout the World people visit Czech . People from Germany , Slovakia , Russia , Poland , United States, Israel , United Kingdom, Italy , France , Austria, China will visit in more numbers.
Transportation development will happen i.e New road scheme , new Railways and railways lines will be introduced , new Airplane and Aircrafts will be introduced.
The Defense will become more stronger to give strong protection to country people. New Missiles and advanced inventions will be introduced to Armed service (defense) to attack the Enemies and safe guard the people. The Czech Defense force will develop within 15th position in the next 5 years.
Industrial development will happen especially in iron and steel industries. Industrial trading will develop with foreign countries. Czech will depend to foreign countries for some other Natural resources and the foreign countries too will depend to Czech to get some Natural resource . Giving and Buying the goods from Abroad countries. Natural resource coal , lignite , timber, magnetite , Uranium will be available more. Czech will depend to other countries for petroleum and gases. New Foreign Industries will develop in various States and Cities of Czech Republic. Comparing the capital cities the inner cities like Brno , Zlin and Moravia will have more chances for new industries. New job opportunities will come for younger generation ( below age 30) .
New Educational system with high standard Education will be introduced. The Educated people percentage will increase. The minimum educational qualification will be completed by the future generations in next 5 years. In average 75% of people will have the knowledge of using advanced technological devices like Laptops , mobiles , internet , computers , modern devices ,etc. The minimum secondary educational qualification level will be there in country.
In medical facilities the Government will take some care in making developments. In media and artistic fields development will happen. In comparing with the world News , magazines and reporters. The Czech Media , News , magazines and reporters also will have valid credit and appreciation among the countries. The media and news will be more advanced quality by the intelligence of Medias.
In Spirituality the country is already in development . In future more spiritual believers will emerge. The people will have peaceful of mindset and peaceful of life by spirituality. Healing, Meditation, Yoga, Tarot card, Therapy, Energy healing will be followed more by the people. The searching of ancestral and entities will be succeeded by people. By high spiritual meditation the Czech people achieve the supreme knowledge (Different planets, different Living being).
The Female will become powerful as Male in all the aspects of life. In all fields of jobs and in society the female will have equality. The Government ruling and political too the female will special positions.
In textiles ,electrical and electronics and chemicals high development will come in the country.
But 2020 is not good for Czech Republic, there is some drawbacks in the country. The same Migration people problem as now will come, even the Czech people will go for migration to another country situation will come. Financial and Economical level of country will decrease. Loss of business , jobless situation will come for people. Again different country people migration , new religion and culture conquer will come. The 2020 and the first part of 2021 is not successful period for Czech. It is an average period. Loss of money and belongings will come.
The people will be in addiction for Alcohol ,Technology,computer and internet. Temptation, frustration and materialistic life will be there. Less humanity will be there, the people will become as selfish to save only their life. The Government and political parties will work hard to provide the proper safety, support, help but it can't fulfill the needs completely. The people will blame the Government at that time. Health problem will be there for people mostly. Only less medical aids will be there for treatment. But by developing the medical facilities now in advanced in future time the people will have a secured and safety life. Now the present time Czech need to finalize the problems of migration people by helping them by giving food and basic needs and send them back to their country . Then only the Czech Republic will remain as Freedom country for Czech people. Agasthiyar Maharishi with Blessings ends Czech prediction.