We offer predictions and reading from palm leaf libraries

We offer you a palm leaves reading, written according to Maharishis Agasthya and others. The readings serve to all people, who want to know their future, but who are for some reason unable to visit India personally. Readings are mediated with help of internet, through Skype. 

Standard procedure for Naadi reading meditation

  1. humbprint printing (women left thumb, men right thumb). We offer you the possibility to make a thumbprint during a personal meeting at some of our public presentations or you can send us scanned thumbprint via e-mail or as photo on phone.
  2. We will send the thumbprint to palm leaves library in India together with reference number assigned to the imprint. We also need to know the first letter of your first name. There is no need for any other information. Based on these data will be found palm leaves bundles, in which might possibly be situated a leaf for each applicant.
  3. If the library confirms successful finding of palm leaves bundles, we will arrange a date for personal meeting, during which will be traced your personal palm leaf.
  4. We will provide you General khandam reading (chapter 1). This chapter always comes first.
  5. We will mediate you a personal naadi reading session through Skype in towns of Brno or through reference call on Skype or Zoom.